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1. Requirements for a ZWRD-K assignment

  • Commitment to at least 14 consecutive days of service (less in the early and late season by arrangement). Participation in the practical exercises on site is obligatory.
  • Minimum age: 16 years (for some water rescue centres: 18 years)
  • International Lifesaving Certificate (ILS Lifesaver) and first aid course (both not older than 2 years).

Participation in the Beach Lifesaving Service is not possible without this proof of operational capability. Alternatively, the operational capability can be proven by presenting the ILS Lifesaver (not older than two years). The respective examination must be completed before travelling to the coast.


2. Tasks in the lifesaving service

The tasks in the ZWRD-K include:

  • guarding the bathing areas (main task)
  • informing bathers about the dangers in and around the water
  • providing first aid for minor and major cases
  • assisting in and conducting searches for children and individuals


3. Information about the assignment

The water rescue season on the coast lasts fromMay to September, and in some stations, it extends until October. The lifesaving service operates from 9:00 or 10:00 am to 6:00 pm every day.

There are special advantages in the early and late season (May / June and September / October):

  • Requests for deployment at selected stations can almost always be accommodated.
  • The beach is usually still a relaxed bathing area
  • Indoor swimming pools and other local leisure facilities can be used free of charge or at a reduced rate.
  • Accompanying persons or family members can be accommodated on many stations at a reduced cost, on some stations even free of charge.


4. Cost coverage by the ZWRD-K

The service at the coast is voluntary and unpaid. However, all lifeguards receive free accommodation as well as meals or a meal allowance (for self-catering: 17 euros).

In addition, lifeguards receive an expense allowance of 8 euros per day on duty. The arrival and departure day are counted as one duty day.

5. Information about operational clothing

The applicant undertakes to wear standard operational clothing. 

Basic snorkelling equipment must be brought along.


6. Feedback on applications

The ZWRD-K will start sending out the first watch orders in mid-December.


7. ZWRD-K without DLRG membership

Even if you are not a member of the DLRG, it is still possible to join the ZWRD-K. All you need to do is fulfil the basic requirements.


8. Outstanding lifeguard badge

You can apply at any time, even if the required qualifications are still outstanding. It is important to enter passed examinations and qualifications in the application portal under "My profile" and present them on arrival.


9. Guard duty in pairs

It is possible to do guard duty together with friends or partners. The best way to do this is to use the group ID function in the application.


10. Management and equipment of the lifeguard stations

The provision of the stations is the responsibility of the respective bathing area operators ("resort administrations"). In most cases, they are also responsible for the material equipment. At so-called "full service stations", the DLRG is responsible for providing rescue equipment and other materials.


11. Special and educational leave in the ZWRD-K

We can send each lifeguard an application for leave of absence with the watch order (or issue it subsequently). If required, please send a short email to zwrd-k@bgst.dlrg.de.

Unfortunately, we cannot grant educational leave.


12. Periods with a high demand for lifeguards

In the period from mid-June to mid-July, many lifeguards are needed and you have almost a 100 per cent guarantee of getting a place.


13. Days off between guard duties

In principle, it is possible to take a day off in between during the guard duties. However, this depends heavily on the situation and must be agreed in advance with the watch commander or section leader on site.


14. Use of own car in the ZWRD-K

Private motor vehicles are permitted and insured free of charge for outward and return journeys and business-related journeys in the ZWRD-K.

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